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Opowieści z Blarnii

Opowieści z Blarnii


Autor: Michael Gerber

Wydawnictwo: MAG
ISBN: 8374800089
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Ukochany klasyk fantasy, dzieło małomównego, palącego fajkę naukowca w cuchnącej tytoniem tweedowej marynarce - przerobione na przebój kinowy, święcący tryumfy na całym świecie. Skąd my to znamy? Władca Pierścieni poddany hollywoodzkiej obróbce stał się gigantycznym hitem. Narnia z pewnością mu dorówna....
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Barry Trotter and the Dead Horse

Barry Trotter and the Dead Horse

Barry Trotter is a series of Harry Potter parodies written by Michael Gerber and published in the UK in a small hardback format uniform to the new edition of Bored of the Rings. The series to date comprises: Barry Trotter and the Shameless Parody, Barry Trotter and the Unnecessary Sequel, Barry Trotter and the Dead Horse.The narrative features the...
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Barry Trotter and the Dead Horse

Barry Trotter and the Dead Horse

Barry Trotter is pretty disreputable and unpleasant. Imagine what he was like as a teenager. Here's the beginning of the whole sorry tale. Did Barry and Ermine do it? (Their homwork, that is.) How exactly did Lon end up with a hole in his head that whistles when the wind blows? Was Lord Valumart always that crass? And where did that ridiculous...
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