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EBOOK Banana Heart Summer

EBOOK Banana Heart Summer


Autor: Merlinda Bobis

Wydawnictwo: Delta
ISBN: 9780440337867
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In her lush, luminous debut novel, Merlinda Bobis creates a dazzling feast for all the senses. Richly imagined, gloriously written, Banana Heart Summer is an incandescent tale of food, family, and longingat once a love letter to mothers and daughters and a lively celebration of friendship and community. Twelve-year-old Nenita is hungry for...
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EBOOK Solemn Lantern Maker

EBOOK Solemn Lantern Maker


Autor: Merlinda Bobis

Wydawnictwo: Delta
ISBN: 9780440338956
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A NovelFrom the award-winning author of Banana Heart Summer[a] wonderful debut[that] resembles Sandra Cisneross The House on Mango Street and is destined to be a hit among book club members*comes a wondrous tale of hope, secrets, and family devotion.Its six days until Christmas, and on the bustling streets of Manila a mute ten-year-old boy sells...
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