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EBOOK My Wounded Heart

EBOOK My Wounded Heart


Autor: Martin Doerry

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781596917705
Kategoria: Pozostałe
An international sensation already sold in fifteen languages, this heartbreaking collection of recently discovered letters captures the destruction not only of a life but also of an entire nation. Born in 1900 to wealthy Jewish parents, Lilli Jahn stood firmly among the German bourgeoisie. A doctor by training, she married a young Protestant...
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EBOOK My Wounded Heart

EBOOK My Wounded Heart


Autor: Martin Doerry

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781408807248
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Life of Lilli Jahn, 1900-1944My Wounded Heart tells the heart-breaking story of a gifted Jewish doctor, the mother of five children, who, after being divorced by her Aryan husband, is arrested on an absurd charge and sent to a corrective labour camp in 1942. Lilli was a prolific letter writer and miraculously almost all her letters to her...
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