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EBOOK Murder in the Dark

EBOOK Murder in the Dark


Autor: Margaret Atwood

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9781551995533
Kategoria: Pozostałe
First published in 1983, Murder in the Dark is Margaret Atwood's seventh work of fiction or her tenth book of poetry, depending on how you slice it. These short prose forms range from fictionalized autobiography through prose-poetry, mini-romance, and miniscience fiction.A feast of comic entertainment, Murder in the Dark is Atwood at her...
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Autor: Margaret Atwood

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9781551995564
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A new collection of dazzling short fiction.One of the worlds most celebrated authors, Margaret Atwood has penned a collection of smart and entertaining fictional essays, in the genre of her popular books Good Bones and Murder in the Dark, punctuated with wonderful illustrations by the author. Chilling and witty, prescient and personal, delectable...
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EBOOK Life Before Man

EBOOK Life Before Man


Autor: Margaret Atwood

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9781551994925
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Life Before Man vividly portrays three people in thrall to the tragicomedy some call love. Imprisoned by walls of their own construction, they are forced to make drastic choices after the rules have changed and the boundaries have become faded. There is Elizabeth, with her controlled sensuality, who seeks solutions in the wrong men; Nate, wry...
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EBOOK Robber Bride

EBOOK Robber Bride


Autor: Margaret Atwood

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9780307797971
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Margaret Atwood's The Robber Bride is inspired by "e;The Robber Bridegroom,"e; a wonderfully grisly tale from the Brothers Grimm in which an evil groom lures three maidens into his lair and devours them, one by one. But in her version, Atwood brilliantly recasts the monster as Zenia, a villainess of demonic proportions, and sets her...
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EBOOK Cat's Eye

EBOOK Cat's Eye


Autor: Margaret Atwood

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9780307797964
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Cat's Eye is the story of Elaine Risley, a controversial painter who returns to Toronto, the city of her youth, for a retrospective of her art. Engulfed by vivid images of the past, she reminisces about a trio of girls who initiated her into the fierce politics of childhood and its secret world of friendship, longing, and betrayal. Elaine must...
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EBOOK Good Bones

EBOOK Good Bones


Autor: Margaret Atwood

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9781551995502
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In Good Bones, first published in 1992, Margaret Atwood has fashioned an enthralling collection of parable, monologue, mini-romance and mini-biography, speculative fiction, prose lyric, outrageous recipe and reconfigured fairy tale, demonstrating yet again the play of an unerring wit overseen by a panoramic intelligence. Good Bones is a cornucopia...
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