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EBOOK Lizzie Searches for Love Trilogy

EBOOK Lizzie Searches for Love Trilogy


Autor: Linda Byler

Wydawnictwo: Good Books
ISBN: 9781480409415
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Three Bestselling Novels in OneNow, bestselling Amish romance novelist, Linda Byler, has her beloved first series available in a single volume!The Lizzie Searches for Love books are based on true experiences and include:Running Around (and Such)It isn't that Lizzie doesn't want to stay Amish. It's just that there is so much for her...
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EBOOK Sadie's Montana Trilogy

EBOOK Sadie's Montana Trilogy


Autor: Linda Byler

Wydawnictwo: Good Books
ISBN: 9781480449343
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Three Bestselling Novels in OneNow, three bestselling novels by Amish romance author Linda Byler are available in one volume. The Sadie's Montana novels are set in the Wild West country and include:Wild Horses, book one. Sadie Miller is adjusting to life at Aspen East Ranch when Ezra appears. Ezra seems like a dream, but does Sadie love him?...
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