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EBOOK Nitty Winnie

EBOOK Nitty Winnie


Autor: Laura Owen

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199137541
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Winnie the Witch does things differently! In 'Winnie's Wet Weekend' Winnie and Wilbur escape to the seaside where Winnie discovers the perils of living in a sandcastle; in 'Jurassic Winnie' a quest for a cereal packet collector's card sends Winnie and Wilbur back to the time of the dinosaurs; in 'A Wedding for...
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EBOOK Whizz Bang Winnie

EBOOK Whizz Bang Winnie


Autor: Laura Owen

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199137435
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Life is never dull for Winnie the Witch! In 'Hot Cross Winnie' a trip to the shops turns into a desperate hunt for a missing Wilbur; in 'Winnie's Book Day' a problem with reading doesn't stop Winnie from bringing stories to life for a whole class full of children; in 'Winnie Gets Cracking' she creates a...
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EBOOK Winnie Spells Trouble

EBOOK Winnie Spells Trouble


Autor: Laura Owen

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780192736697
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Winnie the Witch is busy getting herself into trouble. She's a naughty niece when Auntie Aggie comes to stay, she has difficulty getting rid of her double after waving her wand in front of the mirror, she causes havoc at the after school club, and, on a trip to the museum, she sends the little ordinaries back in time where they find themselves...
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EBOOK Winnie Adds Magic

EBOOK Winnie Adds Magic


Autor: Laura Owen

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780192736673
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In these four new stories, illustrated by Korky Paul, everyone's favourite witch adds some magic to every situation. Join her as she takes to the stage in the school panto, transforms her garden into a farm, organizes a treasure hunt, or adds some entertainment to a maths lesson. Fans who have grown up with Winnie, or those new to her charms,...
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