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EBOOK Is that a Moose in Your Pocket?

EBOOK Is that a Moose in Your Pocket?


Autor: Kim Green

Wydawnictwo: Dell
ISBN: 9780440334569
Kategoria: Pozostałe
After being passed over for a promotion, and currently between boyfriends, thirtyish Jen Brenner figures its time for a major life change. So its goodbye to San Francisco and her sexy ex-boyfriendand howdy to roughing it in the wilds of Montana.As a reporter for Montanas Meredith Gazette, Jen is suddenly getting cruised by park rangers...
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EBOOK Paging Aphrodite

EBOOK Paging Aphrodite


Autor: Kim Green

Wydawnictwo: Delta
ISBN: 9780440335122
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Four strong women from different walks of life in Australia, London and San Francisco, they've all come to the breathtakingly beautiful isle of Corfu seeking the same thingrefuge. Between marriage woes, dead-end careers, and demanding families, these women need a vacationa little sun, a few shots of Sambuca, and a couple of sexy Greek men will...
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