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Nuclear Dawn

Nuclear Dawn

This book provides a rounded biography of Franz (later Sir Francis) Simon, his early life in Germany, his move to Oxford in 1933, and his experimental contributions to low temperature physics approximating absolute zero. After 1939 he switched his research to nuclear physics, and is credited with solving the problem of uranium isotope separation by...
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EBOOK Nuclear Dawn: F. E. Simon and the Race for Atomic Weapons in World War II

EBOOK Nuclear Dawn: F. E. Simon and the Race for Atomic Weapons in World War II


Autor: Kenneth D. McRae

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780191510854
Kategoria: Pozostałe
F. E. Simon and the Race for Atomic Weapons in World War IIThis book provides a rounded biography of Franz (later Sir Francis) Simon, his early life in Germany, his move to Oxford in 1933, and his experimental contributions to low temperature physics approximating absolute zero. After 1939 he switched his research to nuclear physics, and is...
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EBOOK Nuclear Dawn: F. E. Simon and the Race for Atomic Weapons in World War II

EBOOK Nuclear Dawn: F. E. Simon and the Race for Atomic Weapons in World War II


Autor: Kenneth D. McRae

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780191510847
Kategoria: Pozostałe
F. E. Simon and the Race for Atomic Weapons in World War IIThis book provides a rounded biography of Franz (later Sir Francis) Simon, his early life in Germany, his move to Oxford in 1933, and his experimental contributions to low temperature physics approximating absolute zero. After 1939 he switched his research to nuclear physics, and is...
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