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EBOOK Beating a Trail

EBOOK Beating a Trail


Autor: Keith Reynolds

Wydawnictwo: WH Publishing
ISBN: 9781780511030
Kategoria: Pozostałe
He came out of the Hungarian prison after three long years of deprivation: no sunlight, no sex, no stimulation, carrying nothing but the burning desire for revenge on those who had put him there. His first stop is the flat of a prostitute who could possibly lead him further on - unfortunately for her, she takes the brunt of his pent up sadism...
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EBOOK Bent to My Will

EBOOK Bent to My Will


Autor: Keith Reynolds

Wydawnictwo: WH Publishing
ISBN: 9781780511085
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A freelance photographer, working his way round Switzerland, is entrapped by two Society girls and set up so that he loses his job at a chalet park and is sent home in disgrace. When he develops the photographs, he finds to his great delight that he has images of the two girls in his chalet, indulging in bizarre lesbian sex! From then on his...
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