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EBOOK King Cudgel’s Challenge

EBOOK King Cudgel’s Challenge


Autor: Karen Wallace

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781408153260
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Pity King Cudgel! His twin children - Prince Marvin the Meek and Princess Gusty Ox - fight all the time. And ever since his wife, Queen Carrion, disappeared after going out dragon hunting, no one has been able to stop them. As a last resort he devises a challenge for them with the help of Cackle the court magician. If the twins fail, King Cudgel...
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EBOOK Queen Carrion’s Big Bear Hug

EBOOK Queen Carrion’s Big Bear Hug


Autor: Karen Wallace

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781408153291
Kategoria: Pozostałe
King Cudgel keeps having nightmares about Queen Carrion and a bear and wonders if these could reveal the whereabouts of his missing wife. So he consults Crackle the Court Magician, who finds out that strong magic is at work. If the King ever wants to see his Queen again, he needs to go deep into the forest in search of the wicked fur witch. In this...
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EBOOK Princess Gusty Ox’s Strange Change

EBOOK Princess Gusty Ox’s Strange Change


Autor: Karen Wallace

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781408153284
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Gusty Ox is not your typical princess. She’s more interested in wrestling crocodiles and hunting dragons than in tiaras and princes. That is, until she looks into Crackel’s magic mirror and decides things have got to change. But it isn’t easy being a proper princess and things only get worse when her rival, Princess Lulu the...
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EBOOK Prince Marvin’s Great Moment

EBOOK Prince Marvin’s Great Moment


Autor: Karen Wallace

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781408153277
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Poor Prince Marvin, the Meek! His twin sister, Princess Gusty Ox may bebuilt like a battle ship but Marvin has always been a bit...physicallyfeeble. It’s not surprising his sister bullies him. But, when hisfather King Cudgel’s best suits are ruined by mysterious globs of greengloop, things get even worse. It seems that Harry the Hairy...
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EBOOK Whiff Erik and the Great Green Thing

EBOOK Whiff Erik and the Great Green Thing


Autor: Karen Wallace

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781408153253
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Set in the Viking world of long boats, looting and grand adventure,The Goose Pimple Bay Sagas relate the hilarious tales of a ruling familywith a difference.In book two, Whiff Erik, now ruler of Goose Pimple Bay discovers hisbrother, Spike Carbuncle at sea. He’s escaped from his wife’s islandand he’s taken a rare seed with him. Back...
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EBOOK Chief Thunderstruck and the Big Bad Bear

EBOOK Chief Thunderstruck and the Big Bad Bear


Autor: Karen Wallace

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781408152867
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Set in the Viking world of long boats, looting and grand adventure, TheGoose Pimple Bay Sagas relate the hilarious tales of a noble family witha difference.In the final book of the quartet, a message reaches Goose PimpleBay that Chief Thunderstruck is introuble. He’s been trapped in a cave on an ice flow by a fiercepolar bear, who has a nasty...
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