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EBOOK Professional DevExpress ASP.NET Controls

EBOOK Professional DevExpress ASP.NET Controls


Autor: Julian Bucknall

Wydawnictwo: Wrox Press
ISBN: 9780470638958
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Learn to use Devexpress ASP.NET controls, and get $250 worth of controls included with the bookDevexpress is a leading supplier of ASP.NET controls - the addins used in ASP.NET sites. Not only does this book show you how to make the most of them with Silverlight and Ajax, reporting, calendars, editors, and charts, but you also get actual controls...
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EBOOK Professional DevExpress ASP.NET Controls

EBOOK Professional DevExpress ASP.NET Controls


Autor: Julian Bucknall

Wydawnictwo: Wrox Press
ISBN: 9780470597453
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Learn to use Devexpress ASP.NET controls, and get $250 worth of controls included with the bookDevexpress is a leading supplier of ASP.NET controls - the addins used in ASP.NET sites. Not only does this book show you how to make the most of them with Silverlight and Ajax, reporting, calendars, editors, and charts, but you also get actual controls...
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