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Syn Cienia

Syn Cienia


Autor: Jon Sprunk

Wydawnictwo: Papierowy Księżyc
ISBN: 9788361386162
Kategoria: Fantastyka
Syn Cienia to pierwszy tom przygodowej trylogii fantasy dla fanów twórczości takich autorów jak Brent Weeks, Brandon Sanderson czy Scott Lynch. W plebiscycie Fantasy Book Critic Syn Cienia został uznany za numer 2 w kategorii najlepszy debiut fantasy roku! Elitist Book Reviews w swojej recenzji napisał: "Słyszeliśmy, że wielu porównuje "Syna...
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Shadow's Son

Shadow's Son

Treachery and corruption lurk at the end of every street, in the holy city of Othir. It's the perfect place for a freelance assassin with no loyalties and even fewer scruples. Caim makes - or perhaps more accurately, takes - his living on the edge of a blade. Murder is a risky business, but so far he reckons he's on the right side of it. Or he...
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EBOOK Shadow's Son

EBOOK Shadow's Son


Autor: Jon Sprunk

Wydawnictwo: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 9781616143510
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In Othir, he was at the top of the food chain. An assassin beyond compare. A dark shadow in the night. But Caim left that life behind when he helped an empress claim her throne. And now his past has come calling again. Searching for the truth behind the murder and disappearance of his parents, Caim discovers a land in thrall to the Shadow. Haunted...
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EBOOK Shadow's Lure

EBOOK Shadow's Lure


Autor: Jon Sprunk

Wydawnictwo: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 9781616143725
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The unforgiving Northlands . . . In Othir, he was at the top of the food chainan assassin beyond compare, a dark shadow in the night. But Caim left that life behind when he helped an empress claim her throne. And now his past has come calling again. Searching for the truth behind the murder and disappearance of his parents, Caim discovers a land in...
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EBOOK Shadow's Master

EBOOK Shadow's Master


Autor: Jon Sprunk

Wydawnictwo: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 9781616146061
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A land of death and shadow where only the strongest survive. Yet that is where Caim must go to follow the mystery at the heart of his life. Armed only with his knives and his companions, he plunges into a world of eternal night where the sun is never seen and every hand is turned against him. Caim has buried his fathers sword and found some measure...
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EBOOK Blood and Iron

EBOOK Blood and Iron


Autor: Jon Sprunk

Wydawnictwo: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 9781616148942
Kategoria: Pozostałe
This action-heavy EPIC FANTASY SERIES OPENER is like a sword-and-sorcery Spartacus set in a richly-imagined world.It starts with a shipwreck following a magical storm at sea. Horace, a soldier from the west, had joined the Great Crusade against the heathens of Akeshia after the deaths of his wife and son from plague. When he washes ashore, he finds...
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