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Mosty zamiast murów. Podręcznik komunikacji interpersonalnej

Mosty zamiast murów. Podręcznik komunikacji interpersonalnej


Autor: John Stewart

Wydawnictwo: PWN
ISBN: 9788301145132
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
/ Psychologia
W książce omówiono: rozwijanie umiejętności posługiwania się słowem, docieranie do tajemnicy twórczej mocy języka, interpretacja zachowań niewerbalnych, mowa ciała, międzynarodowy słownik gestów, rola dotyku, różne style ekspresji u kobiet i mężczyzn, rozwijanie umiejętności słuchania, odkrywanie własnych barier komunikacyjnych, samospełniające się...
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Python for Scientists

Python for Scientists

Python is a free, open source, easy-to-use software tool that offers a significant alternative to proprietary packages such as MATLAB and Mathematica. This book covers everything the working scientist needs to know to start using Python effectively. The author explains scientific Python from scratch, showing how easy it is to implement and test...
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EBOOK Child Guidance in Britain, 1918-1955

EBOOK Child Guidance in Britain, 1918-1955


Autor: John Stewart

Wydawnictwo: Pickering Chatto Publishers
ISBN: 9781781440544
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Dangerous Age of ChildhoodStewart presents a history of child guidance literature in Britain from its origins in the years after the First World War until the consolidation of the welfare state. Concepts widely used in this guidance also played a part in broader social and cultural perceptions of what constituted a child's healthy...
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EBOOK Child Guidance in Britain, 1918-1955

EBOOK Child Guidance in Britain, 1918-1955


Autor: John Stewart

Wydawnictwo: Pickering Chatto Publishers
ISBN: 9781781443705
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Dangerous Age of ChildhoodStewart presents a history of child guidance literature in Britain from its origins in the years after the First World War until the consolidation of the welfare state. Concepts widely used in this guidance also played a part in broader social and cultural perceptions of what constituted a child's healthy...
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EBOOK Understanding the Horse's Feet

EBOOK Understanding the Horse's Feet


Autor: John Stewart

Wydawnictwo: Crowood
ISBN: 9781847975577
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Understanding the Horse's Feet sets out to explain the complexity of this subject in terms that the lay person can understand, and help the horse owner to have confidence in discussing foot-related issues with their vet or farrier/trimmer. The perennial problem of laminitis is examined in depth, together with other conditions that...
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