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EBOOK Shadow Beneath the Sea

EBOOK Shadow Beneath the Sea


Autor: Joanna Lloyd

Wydawnictwo: Crimson Romance
ISBN: 9781440572364
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Lillian Marshall's father is determined she will accompany him to England on board the great luxury liner, Lusitania. Walter Marshall needs an accomplice in crime to execute a shrewd con to make their fortune. She is faced with an impossible decision - stay in America and marry a man she doesn't love for stability and security, or face...
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EBOOK Beyond Innocence

EBOOK Beyond Innocence


Autor: Joanna Lloyd

Wydawnictwo: Crimson Romance
ISBN: 9781440558245
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Electra Shipley lies in a mite-infested bunk, weak from lack of food and seasickness. Imprisoned and sentenced to seven years' transportation, she sails towards the penal colony of New South Wales, Australia. Despite the odds, she is determined to survive, to clear her name, and return to her life of wealth and ease in England.William...
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