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EBOOK Watch How We Walk

EBOOK Watch How We Walk


Autor: Jennifer LoveGrove

Wydawnictwo: ECW Press
ISBN: 9781770904699
Kategoria: Pozostałe
When Emily was a little girl, all she wanted to be when she grew up was a Full-Time Pioneer; in her Jehovahs Witness family, the only imaginable future is a life of knocking on doors and handing out Watchtower magazines. But Emily starts to challenge her upbringing. She becomes closer to her closeted uncle, Tyler, as her older sister, Lenora, hangs...
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EBOOK Watch How We Walk

EBOOK Watch How We Walk


Autor: Jennifer LoveGrove

Wydawnictwo: ECW Press
ISBN: 9781770904682
Kategoria: Pozostałe
When Emily was a little girl, all she wanted to be when she grew up was a Full-Time Pioneer; in her Jehovahs Witness family, the only imaginable future is a life of knocking on doors and handing out Watchtower magazines. But Emily starts to challenge her upbringing. She becomes closer to her closeted uncle, Tyler, as her older sister, Lenora, hangs...
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