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EBOOK Compassionate Practitioner

EBOOK Compassionate Practitioner


Autor: Jane Wood

Wydawnictwo: Singing Dragon
ISBN: 9780857011701
Kategoria: Pozostałe
How to create a successful and rewarding practiceFocusing on the importance of relationship-building, this handbook explains how to turn new clients into regulars and make your practice flourish.  If you can create trust, loyalty and a sense of safety in new clients, they are more likely to commit to the further appointments needed to...
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EBOOK Transformation through Journal Writing

EBOOK Transformation through Journal Writing


Autor: Jane Wood

Wydawnictwo: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
ISBN: 9780857006905
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Art of Self-Reflection for the Helping ProfessionsTransformation through Journal Writing is a grounded guide to self reflection through journaling for those in the helping professions. Journals are shown to be an effective method of self-care and self-development.  Full of inspiring and original ideas, this book provides everything you...
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