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EBOOK Bluebottle

EBOOK Bluebottle


Autor: James Sallis

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9780802719089
Kategoria: Pozostałe
As Lew Griffin leaves a New Orleans music club with an older white woman he's just met, someone fires a shot and Lew goes down. When he comes fully to, Griffin discovers that most of a year has gone by since that night.What happened? Who was the woman? Which of them was the target? Who was the sniper? There are too many pieces missing, too few...
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EBOOK Salt River

EBOOK Salt River


Autor: James Sallis

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9780802718822
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The poignant and surprising new thriller by one of America's most acclaimed writers.Few American writers create more memorable landscapes-both natural and interior-than James Sallis. His highly praised Lew Griffin novels evoked classic New Orleans and the convoluted inner space of his black private detective. More recently-in Cypress Grove and...
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EBOOK Eye of the Cricket

EBOOK Eye of the Cricket


Autor: James Sallis

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9780802719065
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Lew Griffin is a survivor, a black man in New Orleans, a detective, a teacher, a writer. Having spent years finding others, he has lost his son...and himself in the process. Now a derelict has appeared in a New Orleans hospital claiming to be Lewis Griffin and displaying a copy of one of Lew's novels. It is the beginning of a quest that will take...
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EBOOK Cypress Grove

EBOOK Cypress Grove


Autor: James Sallis

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9780802719249
Kategoria: Pozostałe
As he has shown so often in previous novels, James Sallis is one of our great stylists and storytellers, whose deep interest in human nature is expressed in the powerful stories of men too often at odds with themselves as well as the world around them. His new novel, Cypress Grove, continues in that highly praised tradition.The small town where...
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EBOOK What You Have Left

EBOOK What You Have Left


Autor: James Sallis

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9780802719690
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Over the past five years, James Sallis has created three of the most acclaimed mysteries published in America, each of them featuring the complex John Turner--former cop, therapist, and an ex-con, trying to escape his past, yet ever involved in the small community somewhere near Memphis where he has sought refuge. The Turner Trilogy--concise,...
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Autor: James Sallis

Wydawnictwo: Albatros
ISBN: 9788376594576
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Powieść kryminalna noir, na podstawie której powstał kultowy już film pod tym samym tytułem z niezapomnianą rolą Ryana Goslinga, nagrodzony licznymi nagrodami, m.in. za najlepszą reżyserię na Festiwalu Filmowym w Cannes w 2011.Siedzę za kółkiem. To wszystko co robię - mówi bezimienny Kierowca, bohater powieści DRIVE, którego nazwiska nigdy nie...
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