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Ghost Stories of Henry James

Ghost Stories of Henry James


Autor: James Henry

Wydawnictwo: Wordsworth
ISBN: 9781840220704
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Henry James was arguably the greatest practitioner of what has been called the psychological ghost story. His stories explore the region which lies between the supernatural or straightforwardly marvellous and the darker areas of the human psyche. This edition includes all ten of his ghost stories, and as such is the fullest collection currently...
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Portret damy

Portret damy


Autor: James Henry

Wydawnictwo: Prószyński Media
ISBN: 9788379610310
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Młoda Amerykanka, Isabel Archer, przybywa do Europy żądna przygód i wrażeń. Odziedziczywszy spory majątek, przekonana, że dokładnie rozumie sens ludzkich poczynań, odtrąca trzech konkurentów, aby poślubić czwartego - bezwzględnego obłudnika. Jednak nie tylko perypetie miłosne są treścią książki - najważniejszy jest proces dojrzewania bohaterki w...
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Daisy Miller i inne opowiadania

Daisy Miller i inne opowiadania


Autor: James Henry

Wydawnictwo: Prószyński Media
ISBN: 9788378395089
Kategoria: Pozostałe
"Daisy Miller", "Wychowanek", "Łgarz" i "Bestia w dżungli" to cztery spośród ponad stu opowiadań w bogatym dorobku autora. Każde z nich to świat w miniaturze i literackie arcydzieło.Daisy Miller, jedna z najsłynniejszych bohaterek Jamesa, to postać figlarna i pełna uroku, pozornie tylko próżna i powierzchowna. Swoją odwagą i buntem wobec...
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What Maisie Knew

What Maisie Knew


Autor: James Henry

Wydawnictwo: Wordsworth
ISBN: 9781840224122
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The child of parents who divorce, remarry and then embark on adulterous affairs, Maisie Farange survives by her intelligence and spirit. For all its sombre theme of childhood innocence exposed to a corrupted adult world, this novel is one of James's comic masterpieces. The outrageous behaviour of the characters on the seedy fringes of the English...
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Turn of the Screw & The Aspern Papers

Turn of the Screw & The Aspern Papers


Autor: James Henry

Wydawnictwo: Wordsworth
ISBN: 9781853260698
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Turn of the Screw is the classic ghost story for which James is most remembered. Set in a country house, it is a chilling tale of the supernatural told by a master of the genre.The Aspern Papers is a tale of Americans in Europe, a theme in which Henry James is at his most assured and accomplished. The author cleverly evokes the drama of comédie...
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Daisy Miller and Other Stories

Daisy Miller and Other Stories


Autor: James Henry

Wydawnictwo: Wordsworth
ISBN: 9781853262135
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Daisy Miller is one of Henry James's most attractive heroines: she represents youth and frivolity. As a tourist in Italy, her American freedom and freshness of spirit come up against the corruption and hypocrisy of European manners. From its first publication, readers on both sides of the Atlantic have quarrelled about her, defending or attacking...
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