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Suite Francaise

Suite Francaise

In 1941, Irene Némirovsky sat down to write a book that would convey the magnitude of what she was living through, not in terms of battles and politicians, but by evoking the domestic lives and personal trials of the ordinary citizens of France. She did not live to see her ambition fulfilled, or to know that sixty-five years later, SUITE FRANÇAISE...
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Fire in the Blood

Fire in the Blood

Nemirovsky brings the characters to life with a light touch....
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Suite Francaise

Suite Francaise


Autor: Irene Nemirovsky

Wydawnictwo: Chatto Windus
ISBN: 0701179937
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
In 1941, Irene Nemirovsky sat down to write a book that would convey the magnitude of what she was living through, not in terms of battles and politicians, but by evoking the domestic lives and personal trials of the ordinary citizens of France. She did not live to see her ambition fulfilled, or to know that, sixty-five years later, Suite Francaise...
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EBOOK Suite Francaise

EBOOK Suite Francaise


Autor: Irene Nemirovsky

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9780307371201
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Suite Franaise is both a brilliant novel of wartime and an extraordinary historical document. An unmatched evocation of the exodus from Paris after the German invasion of 1940, and of life under the Nazi occupation, it was written by the esteemed French novelist Irne Nmirovsky as events unfolded around her. This haunting masterpiece has been hailed...
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EBOOK David Golder

EBOOK David Golder


Autor: Irene Nemirovsky

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9780307370709
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In 1929, 26-year-old Irne Nmirovsky shot to fame in France with the publication of her first novel David Golder. At the time, only the most prescient would have predicted the events that led to her extraordinary final novel Suite Franaise and her death at Auschwitz. Yet the clues are there in this astonishingly mature story of an elderly Jewish...
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EBOOK Fire in the Blood

EBOOK Fire in the Blood


Autor: Irene Nemirovsky

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9780307370723
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A new treasure unearthed by Nmirovskys biographers: another never-before-published novel from the author of the #1 bestselling Suite Franaise.This perfect gem of a novel was discovered only recently in separate archive files. A few pages were in the famous suitcase that Irne Nmirovskys daughters saved, but the balance had been deposited with a very...
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