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EBOOK Essentials of Pain Medicine

EBOOK Essentials of Pain Medicine


Autor: Honorio Benzon

Wydawnictwo: Saunders
ISBN: 9781437735932
Kategoria: Pozostałe
This third edition of Essentials of Pain Medicine offers an accessible and concise, yet complete, overview of today's theory and practice of pain medicine and regional anesthesia. From a review of basic considerations through local anesthetics and nerve block techniques, this book provides the reader with an excellent tool for exam review or...
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EBOOK Spinal Injections & Peripheral Nerve Blocks

EBOOK Spinal Injections & Peripheral Nerve Blocks


Autor: Honorio Benzon

Wydawnictwo: Saunders
ISBN: 9781455733965
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Volume 4: A Volume in the Interventional and Neuromodulatory Techniques for Pain Management Series; (Expert Consult Premium Edition -- Enhanced Online Features)Spinal Injections & Peripheral Nerve Blocks - a volume in the new Interventional and Neuromodulatory Techniques for Pain Management series - presents state-of-the-art guidance on when and...
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