Harper Kathryn, Pritchard Gabrielle

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Cambridge Global English Starters Activity Book C

Cambridge Global English Starters Activity Book C

This write-in workbook provides extra activities linked to the learner's book theme and objectives. These include labelling pictures, drawing characters and finding images within a story. They help develop the comprehension and critical thinking skills children need for successful learning....
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Cambridge Global English Starters Activity Book A

Cambridge Global English Starters Activity Book A

This write-in activity book provides extra activities linked to the learner's book theme and objectives. These include labelling pictures, drawing characters and finding images within a story. They help develop the comprehension and critical thinking skills children need for successful learning....
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Cambridge Global English Starters Learner's Book C

Cambridge Global English Starters Learner's Book C

Themed units - from 'homes' to 'play time' - teach children letters, colours, numbers and more. Each book covers one term and includes three units. Every unit includes a story, from traditional tales such as Goldilocks, to stories in familiar settings like the classroom. Activities (including songs, stickers, games and matching) help children...
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Cambridge Global English Starters Learner's Book A

Cambridge Global English Starters Learner's Book A

Through themed units - from 'homes' to 'play time' - children learn letters, colours, numbers and more. Each book covers one term and includes three units. Every unit includes a story, from traditional tales such as Goldilocks, to stories in familiar settings like the classroom. Activities (including songs, stickers, games and matching) help...
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Academy Stars 1 Pupil's Book + kod online

Academy Stars 1 Pupil's Book + kod online

Academy Stars to nowy siedmiopoziomowy kurs dla uczniów w wieku 6-13 lat, kładący nacisk na rzetelne i systematyczne rozwijanie zarówno umiejętności językowych i komunikacyjnych, jak i pozajęzykowych. Doskonale przemyślana struktura stopniowego wprowadzania treści pozwala uczniom w sposób świadomy poszerzać wiedzę językową i udoskonalać...
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Cambridge Global English Starters Activity Book B

Cambridge Global English Starters Activity Book B

This write-in activity book provides extra activities linked to the learner's book theme and objectives. These include labelling pictures, drawing characters and finding images within a story. They help develop the comprehension and critical thinking skills children need for successful learning....
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