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EBOOK Drinker

EBOOK Drinker


Autor: Hans Fallada

Wydawnictwo: Melville House
ISBN: 9781612190655
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Written in an encrypted notebook while incarcerated in a Nazi insane asylum and discovered after his death, The Drinker may be Hans Fallada's most breathtaking piece of craftsmanship. It is an intense yet absorbing study of the descent into drunkenness by an intelligent man who fears he's lost it all.***This is aHybrid Book.Melville...
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EBOOK Little Man, What Now?

EBOOK Little Man, What Now?


Autor: Hans Fallada

Wydawnictwo: Melville House
ISBN: 9781612190648
Kategoria: Pozostałe
This is the book that led to Hans Fallada's downfall with the Nazis. The story of a young couple struggling to survive the German economic collapse was a worldwide sensation and was made into an acclaimed Hollywood movie produced by Jews, leading Hitler to ban Fallada's work from being translated. Nonetheless, it remains,...
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