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EBOOK Honor and Duty

EBOOK Honor and Duty


Autor: Gus Lee

Wydawnictwo: Ivy Books
ISBN: 9780804151702
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Kai Ting knows what it means to become an American and lose all that is Chinese. It happened to his father, a former officer in Chiang Kai-shek's army, who never came to terms with his new life in the United States. Now, as a West Point cadet in the 1960s, Kai has a golden chance both to retain his heritage and to become undeniably, gloriously...
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EBOOK Tiger's Tail

EBOOK Tiger's Tail


Autor: Gus Lee

Wydawnictwo: Ivy Books
ISBN: 9780307480835
Kategoria: Pozostałe
From the author of Honor and Duty and China Boy comes an ingenious thriller set in Korea in 1973--a gripping story of sorrow, corruption and redemption, with plenty of brawls to boot.From the Hardcover edition....
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