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Networks: A Very Short Introduction

Networks: A Very Short Introduction

From ecosystems to Facebook, from the Internet to the global financial market, some of the most important and familiar natural systems and social phenomena are based on a networked structure. It is impossible to understand the spread of an epidemic, a computer virus, large-scale blackouts, or massive extinctions without taking into account the...
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Scale-free Networks

Scale-free Networks


Autor: Guido Caldarelli

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199665174
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
A variety of different social, natural, and technological systems can be described by the same mathematical framework. This holds from the Internet to food webs and to boards of company directors. In all these situations a graph of the elements of the system and their interconnections displays a universal feature. There are only few elements with...
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EBOOK Networks: A Very Short Introduction

EBOOK Networks: A Very Short Introduction


Autor: Guido Caldarelli

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780191642722
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Networks are involved in many aspects of everyday life, from food webs in ecology and the spread of pandemics to social networking and public transport. This Very Short Introduction explores the basics of network theory to understand the science of complexity and its importance, using examples from nature, technology, and society, and history....
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EBOOK Networks: A Very Short Introduction

EBOOK Networks: A Very Short Introduction


Autor: Guido Caldarelli

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780191642739
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Networks are involved in many aspects of everyday life, from food webs in ecology and the spread of pandemics to social networking and public transport. This Very Short Introduction explores the basics of network theory to understand the science of complexity and its importance, using examples from nature, technology, and society, and history....
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