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EBOOK Tantric Coconuts

EBOOK Tantric Coconuts


Autor: Greg Kincaid

Wydawnictwo: Crown Publishing Group
ISBN: 9780307952004
Kategoria: Pozostałe
From the New York Times bestselling author of A Dog Named Christmas! Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance meets Life of Pi in this quirky spiritual journey across the wild highways and byways of America.Free spirit Angel Two Sparrowartist and musician extraordinaireis having trouble making ends meet. On the verge of desperation, she inherits...
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EBOOK Christmas Home

EBOOK Christmas Home


Autor: Greg Kincaid

Wydawnictwo: Crown Publishing Group
ISBN: 9780307951984
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A NovelTodd McCray, hero of A Dog Named Christmas, is now twenty-four years old and working at a local animal shelter, where he meets and quickly becomes best friends with Laura, a young volunteer. Laura, like Todd, has disabilities of her own, but her struggles are more physical than developmental. Their friendship is sealed when Toddwith the help...
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