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Kiedy w 1928 roku genialny Paul Dirac przepowiedział istnienie antymaterii, nikt nie podejrzewał, że za kilkadziesiąt lat naukowa hipoteza stanie się faktem. Dziś wiemy już, że antymateria mogła mieć takie samo znaczenie dla powstania Wszechświata jak materia. Ale świat wydaje się być złożony jedynie z materii. Jak to się stało? Czym jest...
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EBOOK Quantum Exodus Jewish Fugitives, the Atomic Bomb, and the Holocaust

EBOOK Quantum Exodus Jewish Fugitives, the Atomic Bomb, and the Holocaust


Autor: Gordon Fraser

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780191626968
Kategoria: Pozostałe
When the Nazis came to power in 1933, they immediately expelled Jewish academics, unwittingly changing the power balance of world science. When war came, these scientific refugees raced to engineer the atomic bomb, to prevent Nazi Germany getting there first. This book tells the story of how the Bomb and the Holocaust became locked in a grisly...
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EBOOK Cosmic Anger Abdus Salam - The First Muslim Nobel Scientist

EBOOK Cosmic Anger Abdus Salam - The First Muslim Nobel Scientist


Autor: Gordon Fraser

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780191578663
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Biography of Abdus Salam, the first citizen of Pakistan to win a Nobel Prize, who was nevertheless branded as a heretic and excommunicated from his home country, where his achievements are often overlooked, even besmirched. Instead, he acted out his dreams on an wider stage, as a citizen of the world....
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