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EBOOK Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists

EBOOK Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists


Autor: Gideon Defoe

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781408828144
Kategoria: Pozostałe
1837: the Victorian Era approaches and the golden age of piracy draws to a close. Worried that his pirates are growing bored of roaring, running people through, and sitting about on tropical beaches, the Pirate Captain decides it's time they had an adventure. A chance encounter with the young Charles Darwin leads the Captain and his crew to...
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EBOOK Pirates! In an Adventure with Moby Dick

EBOOK Pirates! In an Adventure with Moby Dick


Autor: Gideon Defoe

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781408828854
Kategoria: Pozostałe
ReissuedIt's come to my attention that the old girl's a little bit past her best. And I can hardly maintain my reputation as a terror of the high seas with bits falling off the boat all the time, can I?The Pirate Captain is in trouble. Eager to appease his crew with a boat that has a functioning mast, fewer holes and cannons that actually...
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EBOOK Pirates!: In an Adventure with the Romantics

EBOOK Pirates!: In an Adventure with the Romantics


Autor: Gideon Defoe

Wydawnictwo: Vintage
ISBN: 9780345802910
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In Gideon Defoe's fifth Pirates! adventure, the dashing Pirate Captain and his intrepid crew encounter perhaps the most swashbuckling poets in history: Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and Shelley's fiancee, Mary Godwin. While visiting the shores of Lake Geneva to restore their spirits and their finances, the Pirate Captain and his crew...
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