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Mechanical Logic in Three-Dimensional Space

Mechanical Logic in Three-Dimensional Space

The book explores how build a mechanical inferences by making use of arithmetic operations on a string of numbers representing statements. In this way logic is reduced to a branch of the combinatory calculus. It covers the field of traditional logic by showing that any kind of inference can be mechanically reduced to three-variables and two-premise...
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Quantum Mechanics for Thinkers

Quantum Mechanics for Thinkers


Autor: Gennaro Auletta

Wydawnictwo: Stanford
ISBN: 9789814411714
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
This book provides quick access to quantum mechanics without dealing with a true textbook that demands proper specialized studies in physics (and related mathematics) for about a couple of years. It consists of three parts: basic formalism, formal development, and ontological issues. The 70 figures are a crucial instrument for becoming acquainted...
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EBOOK Cognitive Biology Dealing with Information from Bacteria to Minds

EBOOK Cognitive Biology Dealing with Information from Bacteria to Minds


Autor: Gennaro Auletta

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780191621253
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Providing a new conceptual scaffold for further research in biology and cognition, this book introduces the new field of Cognitive Biology, treating developing organisms as information processors which use cognition to control and modify their environments....
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