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W sieci

W sieci


Autor: Gemma Malley

Wydawnictwo: Wilga
ISBN: 9788325905149
Kategoria: Książki dla dzieci i młodzieży
Dalsze losy bohaterów mrocznej i wzruszającej Deklaracji. Jest rok 2140. Walka przeciw starzeniu się społeczeństwa została wygrana. Ludzie moga już żyć wiecznie. Nie wszyscy jednak wierzą, że nieskończone życie to jedyny wybór. Powstaje ruch oporu, który zwalcza ideologię wiecznej młodości. Peter zostaje uwikłany w konflikt nie tylko z...
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EBOOK Returners

EBOOK Returners


Autor: Gemma Malley

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781599908038
Kategoria: Pozostałe
London teenager Will Hodge is miserable. His mother is dead, his father's political leanings have grown radical, and his friends barely talk to him. To top it off, he's having nightmares about things like concentration camps. Then Will notices he's being followed by a group of people who claim to know him from another time in history. It turns out...
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EBOOK Resistance

EBOOK Resistance


Autor: Gemma Malley

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781599908021
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The year is 2140. Peter and Anna are living freely on the Outside, trying hard to lead normal lives, but unable to leave the terror of the Declaration--and their experiences as surpluses--completely behind them. Peter is determined to infiltrate Pharma Corporation, which claims to have a new drug in the works; 'Longevity +' will not just stop the...
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EBOOK Legacy

EBOOK Legacy


Autor: Gemma Malley

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781599907086
Kategoria: Pozostałe
When a Pincent Pharmaceutical van is ambushed by the rebel group known as the Underground, its contents come as a huge surprise-not drugs, but corpses in a horrible state. It appears that the pharmaceutical company's top drug, Longevity-which is supposed to eradicate disease and ensure eternal life-isn't living up to its promises. Now a virus is...
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EBOOK Declaration

EBOOK Declaration


Autor: Gemma Malley

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781599904153
Kategoria: Pozostałe
It's the year 2140 and Anna shouldn't be alive. Nor should any of the children she lives with at Grange Hall. The facility is full of kids like her, kids whose parents chose to recklessly abuse Mother Nature and have children despite a law forbidding them from doing so as long as they took longevity drugs. To pay back her parents' debt to Mother...
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EBOOK Resistance

EBOOK Resistance


Autor: Gemma Malley

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781408818077
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The chilling, powerful sequel to Gemma Malley's acclaimed debut, The Declaration. For fans of The Hunger Games In a world where nobody dies, Peter and Anna are Opt Outs - they choose not to live for ever . . . but is that enough? To try and fight the system further, Peter infiltrates Pincent Pharma, the company behind Longevity - the drug that...
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