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EBOOK Reorganizing Crime: Mafia and Anti-Mafia in Post-Soviet Georgia

EBOOK Reorganizing Crime: Mafia and Anti-Mafia in Post-Soviet Georgia


Autor: Gavin Slade

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780191662164
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Mafia and Anti-Mafia in Post-Soviet GeorgiaArising from Soviet prison camps in the 1930s, career criminals known as 'thieves-in-law' exist in one form or another throughout post-Soviet countries and have evolved into major transnational organized criminal networks since the dissolution of the USSR. Intriguingly, this criminal fraternity...
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EBOOK Reorganizing Crime: Mafia and Anti-Mafia in Post-Soviet Georgia

EBOOK Reorganizing Crime: Mafia and Anti-Mafia in Post-Soviet Georgia


Autor: Gavin Slade

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780191662171
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Mafia and Anti-Mafia in Post-Soviet GeorgiaThrough an innovative and engaging analysis of an often misunderstood cohort of organised crime in Georgia, this book explores the resilience of so-called dark networks, such as organized crime groups and terrorist cells, and tests the theories of how and why success in challenging such organizations can...
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