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EBOOK Re-Creating Primordial Time

EBOOK Re-Creating Primordial Time


Autor: Gabrielle Vail

Wydawnictwo: University Press of Colorado
ISBN: 9781457184291
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Foundation Rituals and Mythology in the Postclassic Maya CodicesRe-Creating Primordial Time offers a new perspective on the Maya codices, documenting the extensive use of creation mythology and foundational rituals in the hieroglyphic texts and iconography of these important manuscripts. Focusing on both pre-Columbian codices and early colonial...
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EBOOK Re-Creating Primordial Time

EBOOK Re-Creating Primordial Time


Autor: Gabrielle Vail

Wydawnictwo: University Press of Colorado
ISBN: 9781457184314
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Foundation Rituals and Mythology in the Postclassic Maya CodicesRe-Creating Primordial Time offers a new perspective on the Maya codices, documenting the extensive use of creation mythology and foundational rituals in the hieroglyphic texts and iconography of these important manuscripts. Focusing on both pre-Columbian codices and early colonial...
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EBOOK Medicinal Plant Research in Africa

EBOOK Medicinal Plant Research in Africa


Autor: Gabrielle Vail

Wydawnictwo: Elsevier
ISBN: 9780124059368
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Pharmacology and ChemistryThe pharmacopoeias of most African countries are available and contain an impressive number of medicinal plants used for various therapeutic purposes. Many African scholars have distinguished themselves in the fields of organic chemistry, pharmacology, and pharmacognosy and other areas related to the study of plant...
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