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Art of Drowning

Art of Drowning


Autor: Frances Fyfield

Wydawnictwo: Sphere
ISBN: 9780751536201
Kategoria: Thrillery, sensacyjne, kryminały
Rachel Doe is a shy accountant at a low ebb in life when she meets charismatic Ivy Schneider, nee Wiseman, at her evening class and her life changes for the better. Ivy is her polar oppositte: strong, six years her senior and the romantic survivor of drug addiction, homelessness and the death of her child. Ivy does menial shift work, beholden to no...
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Blind Date

Blind Date

Everyone loved Emma Davey. That is, until someone put a bin liner over her head and kicked her to death. Elisabeth, her sister, finds the quest for love harder. She is haunted by Emma's death and her own attempts to lure the killer into a confession. Her search for love and revenge continues....
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