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Very First Words: ABC

Very First Words: ABC

A charmingly illustrated first alphabet book for the very young. It includes a picture for each letter and carefully controlled vocabulary and phonically regular words. It features pictures that provide lots to talk about for pre-readers and will aid vocabulary building....
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First Picture Maths

First Picture Maths

This title presents a fun and innovative way for young children to get to grips with numbers. It covers first numerical concepts including counting up to and down from ten, number recognition, number patterns and sequences, more and less, one more and one less and ordinal numbers. Simple number puzzles throughout encourage little children to learn...
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Starting School Sticker Book

Starting School Sticker Book

A fun way to familiarise young children with all the things they will need to know and be able to do when they start school. Following a typical day at school, children will enjoy using the stickers to help the characters in the book get dressed, pack bags, hang up coats, change for PE, and participate in art class, lunchtime, playtime, story time...
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