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EBOOK Governess

EBOOK Governess


Autor: Evelyn Hervey

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781448202904
Kategoria: Pozostałe
When Harriet Unwin takes the position of governess in the well-to-do Thackerton household, it would seem that fortune has smiled on her at last. That is until William Thackerton is found stabbed, and Harriet accused of murder...In a desperate attempt to prove her innocence, she embarks on a daring scheme to save herself from the gallows. In doing...
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EBOOK Into the Valley of Death

EBOOK Into the Valley of Death


Autor: Evelyn Hervey

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781448202898
Kategoria: Pozostałe
On Friday next, pub owner Jack Steadman would hang for the murder of Alfie Goode, drunkard and ne'er-do-well. The case was open-and-shut to everyone but Miss Harriet Unwin, who had less than a week to prove that Jack, a Crimean war hero, was innocent. Her snooping soon took her to the ballroom of a retired general's stately manor. But there,...
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EBOOK Man of Gold

EBOOK Man of Gold


Autor: Evelyn Hervey

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781448202911
Kategoria: Pozostałe
For a respectable governess like Harriet Unwin, her first few weeks in the shabby, inhospitable home of the Partingtons were as unhappy as any she could remember. The bone-chilling cold, the grim sparseness of the meals, the embittered meanness of old Mr Partington: but for the kindness shown by his son, her spirit must surely have been crushed.But...
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