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The Christmas Tale of Peter Rabbit Book and CD

The Christmas Tale of Peter Rabbit Book and CD


Autor: Emma Thompson

Wydawnictwo: Frederick Warne
ISBN: 9780723293682
Kategoria: Książki dla dzieci i młodzieży
'Rabbits are always very uppity during the Christmas season, and Peter Rabbit was no exception.' Emma Thompson continues the adventures of Peter Rabbit in this super new Christmas tale featuring Peter, his comical little cousin Benjamin Bunny, and a certain feathered friend called William. Brilliantly told by Emma Thompson with charming...
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EBOOK Nanny McPhee Returns

EBOOK Nanny McPhee Returns


Autor: Emma Thompson

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781599906096
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In wartime England, the two very spoiled Gray children are being sent to stay in the country with their very numerous and ill-behaved cousins, the Greens. Enter Nanny McPhee, who discovers that Mrs. Green and the children are fighting another war altogether-against scheming relatives intent on taking their farm while Mr. Green is off fighting in...
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