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EBOOK Joyland

EBOOK Joyland


Autor: Emily Schultz

Wydawnictwo: ECW Press
ISBN: 9781554907212
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Like a Reagan-era Ice Storm, Emily Schultzs novel Joyland captures the confusion of adolescent sexuality in a tangle of pixelated icons via the video-game generation. Set in the summer of 1984, this book will have you thinking twice about the video-game generation and the power of pining and Pac-Man. Flare BackLit bonus material includes...
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EBOOK Blondes

EBOOK Blondes


Autor: Emily Schultz

Wydawnictwo: Doubleday
ISBN: 9780385671064
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A breakout novel for a young writer whose last book was shortlisted for the Trillium Prize alongside Anne Michaels and Margaret Atwood, and whom the Toronto Star called a "e;force of nature."e;Hazel Hayes is a grad student living in New York City. As the novel opens, she learns she is pregnant (from an affair with her married professor) at...
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EBOOK Joyland

EBOOK Joyland


Autor: Emily Schultz

Wydawnictwo: ECW Press
ISBN: 9781554902651
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Like a Reagan-era Ice Storm, Emily Schultzs novel Joyland captures the confusion of adolescent sexuality in a tangle of pixelated icons via the video-game generation. Set in the summer of 1984, this book will have you thinking twice about the video-game generation and the power of pining and Pac-Man. Flare BackLit bonus material includes...
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