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EBOOK Devil Man

EBOOK Devil Man


Autor: Edgar Wallace

Wydawnictwo: House of Stratus
ISBN: 9780755121397
Kategoria: Pozostałe
To whisper the name of Charles Pearce is to incite a hoard of wild imaginings, all that makes the flesh creep. Pearce is physically repulsive, tiny in stature, but a Samson in strength. He is a gifted musician, a terrible braggart - and for some reason women find him irresistible. He is also a burglar. And a murderer. There is a baffling mystery...
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EBOOK Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz - The Original Classic Edition

EBOOK Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz - The Original Classic Edition



Wydawnictwo: Emereo
ISBN: 9781486414024
Kategoria: Pozostałe
While all of Baums books are great, overall I think this was the one that I enjoyed the most. Like the very first book, the plot is simple. Dorothy gets pulled into a magical world against her will, and she wants to get home. She then goes through a series of adventures trying to achieve her goal. Although the book has In Oz in the title, Dorothy...
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EBOOK Bones Being Further Adventures in Mr. Commissioner Sanders' Country

EBOOK Bones Being Further Adventures in Mr. Commissioner Sanders' Country


Autor: Edgar Wallace

Wydawnictwo: pubOne
ISBN: 9782819903475
Kategoria: Pozostałe
You will never know from the perusal of the Blue Book the true inwardness of the happenings in the Ochori country in the spring of the year of Wish. Nor all the facts associated with the disappearance of the Rt. Hon. Joseph Blowter, Secretary of State for the Colonies....
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EBOOK Angel of Terror

EBOOK Angel of Terror


Autor: Edgar Wallace

Wydawnictwo: pubOne
ISBN: 9782819902317
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The hush of the court, which had been broken when the foreman of the jury returned their verdict, was intensified as the Judge, with a quick glance over his pince-nez at the tall prisoner, marshalled his papers with the precision and method which old men display in tense moments such as these. He gathered them together, white paper and blue and...
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EBOOK Tam o' the Scoots

EBOOK Tam o' the Scoots


Autor: Edgar Wallace

Wydawnictwo: pubOne
ISBN: 9782819903987
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Lieutenant Bridgeman went out over the German line and strafed a depot. He stayed a while to locate a new gun position and was caught between three strong batteries of Archies. Reports? said the wing commander. Well, Bridgeman isn't back and Tam said he saw him nose-dive behind the German trenches....
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EBOOK Keepers of the King's Peace

EBOOK Keepers of the King's Peace


Autor: Edgar Wallace

Wydawnictwo: pubOne
ISBN: 9782819904786
Kategoria: Pozostałe
To Isongo, which stands upon the tributary of that name, came a woman of the Isisi who had lost her husband through a providential tree falling upon him. I say providential, for it was notorious that he was an evil man, a drinker of beer and a favourite of many bad persons. Also he made magic in the forest, and was reputedly the familiar of...
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