Douglas Preston; Lincoln Child

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Granica lodu

Granica lodu

Na bezludnej wyspie u południowych wybrzeży Chile dochodzi do niewiarygodnego odkrycia. Znaleziony zostaje gigantyczny meteoryt, największy, na jaki kiedykolwiek natrafiono, spoczywający w ziemi od milionów lat. Wiele tysięcy mil dalej, w zupełnie innym miejscu, miliarder Palmer Lloyd postanawia, że meteoryt musi stać się ozdobą jego nowego...
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Dance of Death

Dance of Death

In this follow-up to the "New York Times" bestseller "Brimstone," Agent Pendergast enlists aid from his old friend, NYPD Lieutenant Vincent D'Agosta, as he races to stop his murdering brother Diogenes, who has had 20 years to plan the world's most horrend...
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Gideon's Corpse: A Gideon Crew Novel

Gideon's Corpse: A Gideon Crew Novel


Autor: Douglas Preston; Lincoln Child

Wydawnictwo: Orion
ISBN: 9781409135845
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
A top nuclear scientist goes mad and takes an innocent family hostage at gunpoint, killing one and causing a massive standoff. A plume of radiation above New York City leads to a warehouse where, it seems, a powerful nuclear bomb was assembled just hours before. Sifting through the evidence,authorities determine that the unthinkable is about to...
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