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EBOOK Matt Helm - The Interlopers

EBOOK Matt Helm - The Interlopers


Autor: Donald Hamilton

Wydawnictwo: Titan Books
ISBN: 9781783292950
Kategoria: Pozostałe
This time Mac has gone too far. For Helm to impersonate a Communist courier to whom he bears no resemblance is suicide, and that isn't all. Someone wants to get the layout of the Alaskan North-west Coastal Defence System, but they aren't the goodies or the baddies. So who the hell are they? And who is the mysterious Holz that Helm is...
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EBOOK Matt Helm - The Betrayers

EBOOK Matt Helm - The Betrayers


Autor: Donald Hamilton

Wydawnictwo: Titan Books
ISBN: 9781783292912
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Matt Helm finds himself in Hawaii, trying to unhatch a plot of unrivalled viciousness. When an agent turns bad, nobody's business is private anymore, and when that agent decides to start a war, someone has to finish himfast. Between the rogue agent and the stranger who insists she is his sister-in-law, this won't be a relaxing Pacific...
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EBOOK Night Walker

EBOOK Night Walker


Autor: Donald Hamilton

Wydawnictwo: Hard Case Crime
ISBN: 9780857683854
Kategoria: Pozostałe
WHO WAS HE, REALLY, UNDER THE BANDAGES?When Navy Lieutenant David Young came to in a hospital bed, his face was covered with bandages and the nurses were calling him by a stranger's name. But his nightmare was only beginning. Because the man they believed him to be was suspected of treason and had driven his wife to murder.Now, in a...
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