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Akacja. Trylogia Akacja

Akacja. Trylogia Akacja


Autor: David Anthony Durham

Wydawnictwo: Mag
ISBN: 9788374801805
Kategoria: Fantastyka
Akacja to porywające dzieło literackiej wyobraźni, która tworzy mityczny świat. To ponadczasowa saga heroizmu i tchórzostwa, zdrady i zemsty, złych czynów i ostatecznego odkupienia. David Durham na nowo wymyślił epicką sagę na miarę naszych czasów, w książce, która zawładnęła sercami czytelników. Królewskie dzieci rodziny Akaran w przyprawiającej o...
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EBOOK Sacred Band

EBOOK Sacred Band


Autor: David Anthony Durham

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9780307739698
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Acacia Trilogy, Book ThreeWith the first two books in the Acacia Trilogy, Acacia and The Other Lands, David Anthony Durham has created a vast and engrossing canvas of a world in turmoil, where the surviving children of a royal dynasty are on a quest to realize their fatesand perhaps right ancient wrongs once and for all. As The Sacred Band...
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EBOOK Gabriel's Story

EBOOK Gabriel's Story


Autor: David Anthony Durham

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9780307425980
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A NovelWhen Gabriel Lynch moves with his mother and brother from a brownstone in Baltimore to a dirt-floor hovel on a homestead in Kansas, he is not pleased. He does not dislike his new stepfather, a former slave, but he has no desire to submit to a life of drudgery and toil on the untamed prairie. So he joins up with a motley crew headed for Texas...
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EBOOK Walk Through Darkness

EBOOK Walk Through Darkness


Autor: David Anthony Durham

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9780307561046
Kategoria: Pozostałe
When he learns that his pregnant wife has been spirited off to a distant city, William responds as any man mighthe drops everything to pursue her. But as a fugitive slave in Antebellum America, he must run a terrifying gauntlet, eluding the many who would re-enslave him while learning to trust the few who dare to aid him on his quest. Among those...
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EBOOK Walk Through Darkness

EBOOK Walk Through Darkness


Autor: David Anthony Durham

Wydawnictwo: Doubleday
ISBN: 9780385507332
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A NovelWhen he learns that his pregnant wife has been spirited off to a distant city, William responds as any man mighthe drops everything to pursue her. But as a fugitive slave in Antebellum America, he must run a terrifying gauntlet, eluding the many who would re-enslave him while learning to trust the few who dare to aid him on his quest. Among...
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