Crace Araminta, Acklam Richard

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New Total English Pre-Intermediate Student's Book and Workbook

New Total English Pre-Intermediate Student's Book and Workbook


Autor: Crace Araminta, Acklam Richard

Wydawnictwo: Pearson
ISBN: 9781408285800
Kategoria: Pozostałe
New Total English to nowe wydanie znanej i cenionej przez nauczycieli serii edukacyjnej do nauki języka angielskiego. Uaktualniona edycja zachowała największe zalety kursu: logiczną strukturę oraz jasno wyznaczone cele nauki. Cechy te sprawiają, że korzystanie z podręcznika wymaga od nauczyciela minimum przygotowania.Dodatkowo kurs New Total...
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New Total English Upper-Intermediate Student's Book with CD

New Total English Upper-Intermediate Student's Book with CD


Autor: Crace Araminta, Acklam Richard

Wydawnictwo: Longman
ISBN: 9781408267240
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A course for young adults, New Total English has been completely revised and updated to make it even more engaging and easy to use. With its clearly defined learning objectives and authentic content, New Total English includes new reading and listening texts, new video clips and a completely revised grammatical, lexical and pronunciation syllabus....
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New Total English Pre-Intermediate Student's Book with CD

New Total English Pre-Intermediate Student's Book with CD


Autor: Crace Araminta, Acklam Richard

Wydawnictwo: Longman
ISBN: 9781408267202
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A course for young adults, New Total English has been completely revised and updated to make it even more engaging and easy to use. With its clearly defined learning objectives and authentic content, New Total English includes new reading and listening texts, new video clips and a completely revised grammatical, lexical and pronunciation syllabus....
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