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EBOOK Silk Map

EBOOK Silk Map


Autor: Chris Willrich

Wydawnictwo: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 9781616149000
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A Gaunt and Bone NovelIt's Brent Weeks meets China Mieville in this wildly imaginative fantasy adventure featuring high action, elegant writing, and sword and sorcery with a Chinese flare.At the end of The Scroll of Years, the poet Persimmon Gaunt and her husband, the thief Imago Bone, had saved their child from evil forces at the price of...
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EBOOK Biomaterials for Treating Skin Loss

EBOOK Biomaterials for Treating Skin Loss


Autor: Chris Willrich

Wydawnictwo: Woodhead Publishing
ISBN: 9781845695545
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The primary causes of wounds requiring skin replacement are severe burns and ulcers. Materials must provide an effective temporary barrier, promote healing and minimise scarring. Massive improvements have been made to skin repair biomaterials in the last ten years with widespread adoption of new developments in the medical sector. This book...
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EBOOK Scroll of Years

EBOOK Scroll of Years


Autor: Chris Willrich

Wydawnictwo: Prometheus Books
ISBN: 9781616148140
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A Gaunt and Bone NovelIt's Brent Weeks meets China Mieville in this wildly imaginative fantasy debut featuring high action, elegant writing, and sword and sorcery with a Chinese flare.Persimmon Gaunt and Imago Bone are a romantic couple and partners in crime. Persimmon is a poet from a well-to-do family, who found herself looking for...
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