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Death of a Civil Servant

Death of a Civil Servant


Autor: Chekhov Anton

Wydawnictwo: Alma Books
ISBN: 9781847496867
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In 'The Death of a Civil Servant', an administrative clerk accidentally sneezes on a hierarchical superior at the opera, which results in great embarrassment and hilarious and futile attempts at atonement. The other short stories included in this volume, 'A Calculated Marriage', 'The Culprit', 'The Exclamation Mark', 'The Speech-Maker', 'Who Is to...
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In the Twilight

In the Twilight


Autor: Chekhov Anton

Wydawnictwo: Alma Books
ISBN: 9781847493835
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In the Twilight, the third collection of short stories compiled by Anton Chekhov himself, was his first major success and won him the prestigious Pushkin Prize when it was published in 1888. This volume represents a clear milestone in the writer's passage from the youthful Antosha Chekhonte, author of slight comic sketches, to the mature master of...
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Autor: Chekhov Anton

Wydawnictwo: Alma Books
ISBN: 9781847496683
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The most widely staged dramatist after Shakespeare, Chekhov left a deep mark both on the development of Russian literature and world theatre, with plays that were remarkable not just for their dialogue but their atmosphere and the tensions expressed between the lines.Collected in this volume are Chekhov's four most celebrated plays - The Seagull,...
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The Woman in the Case

The Woman in the Case


Autor: Chekhov Anton

Wydawnictwo: Alma Books
ISBN: 9781847494757
Kategoria: Pozostałe
This collection of lesser-known early short fiction - ranging from absurd humorous sketches to psychological dramas and tragic tales - demonstrates Anton Chekhov's mastery of the genre, with stories about marital infidelity, betrayal, deception and love in its various forms.Although varying in tone and purpose, what these tales have in common is a...
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