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EBOOK Sorceress

EBOOK Sorceress


Autor: Celia Rees

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781408810361
Kategoria: Pozostałe
As Witch Child ends so Sorceress begins. Alison Ellman is still searching for information about Mary Newbury; she has a diary and some scattered information about other people in Mary's life, but Mary has disappeared into the forests and Alison has no way of following her. But when she meets Agnes Herne, Alison encounters the person who is...
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EBOOK Witch Child

EBOOK Witch Child


Autor: Celia Rees

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781408810378
Kategoria: Pozostałe
When Mary sees her grandmother accused of witchcraft and hanged for the crime, she is silently hurried to safety by an unknown woman. The woman gives her tools to keep the record of her days - paper and ink. Mary is taken to a boat in Plymouth and from there sails to the New World where she hopes to make a new life among the pilgrims. But old...
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