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Tom Clancy's Oath of Office

Tom Clancy's Oath of Office


Autor: Cameron Marc

Wydawnictwo: Penguin Books
ISBN: 9781405935494
Kategoria: Pozostałe
On a crowded tourist beach in Portugal, US operatives use a high-tech drone to watch a French arms dealer flirt with a beautiful woman.But it's only when she leaves that they realise she has shot him dead.In Iran, protests are growing against the oppressive regime, whipped up by a charismatic student. Most external observers are excited, but on the...
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Tom Clancy's Power and Empire

Tom Clancy's Power and Empire


Autor: Cameron Marc

Wydawnictwo: Penguin Books
ISBN: 9781405934480
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A growing threat from China leaves US President Jack Ryan with only a few desperate options in this continuation of internationally bestselling Tom Clancy series. On the fringes of the Pacific Ocean, a catastrophic explosion destroys a Chinese container ship.In Texas a solitary Highway Patrol trooper stops on a deserted road to find a young...
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