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It's the year 2044, and America has gone to hell. A disenfranchised U.S. Air Force base has turned to highway robbery in order to pay the bills. Vast chunks of the population live nomadic lives fueled by cheap transportation and even cheaper computer power. Warfare has shifted from the battlefield to the global networks, and China holds the...
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EBOOK Good Old-Fashioned Future

EBOOK Good Old-Fashioned Future


Autor: Bruce Sterling

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9780307796806
Kategoria: Pozostałe
From the subversive to the antic, the uproarious to the disturbing, the stories of Bruce Sterling are restless, energy-filled journeys through a world running on empty--the visionary work of one of our most imaginative and insightful modern writers.They live as strangers in strange lands. In worlds that have fallen--or should have. They wage...
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EBOOK Zeitgeist

EBOOK Zeitgeist


Autor: Bruce Sterling

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9780307796790
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Its 1999, and in the Turkish half of Cyprus, the ever-enterprising Leggy Starlitz has alighted pausing on his mission to storm the Third World with the G-7 girls, the cheapest, phoniest all-girl rock group ever to wear Wonderbras and spandex.His market is staring him in the face: millions of teenagers trapped in a world of mullahs and mosques,...
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EBOOK Caryatids

EBOOK Caryatids


Autor: Bruce Sterling

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9780345512710
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Alongside William Gibson and Neal Stephenson, Bruce Sterling stands at the forefront of a select group of writers whose pitch-perfect grasp of the cultural and scientific zeitgeist endows their works of speculative near-future fiction with uncanny verisimilitude. To read a novel by Sterling is to receive a dispatch from a time traveler. Now, with...
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EBOOK Zenith Angle

EBOOK Zenith Angle


Autor: Bruce Sterling

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9780345478320
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Like his peers William Gibson and Neal Stephenson, bestselling author Bruce Sterling writes cutting-edge speculative fiction firmly rooted in todays reality. Now in The Zenith Angle, he has created a timely thriller about an information-age security expert caught up in Americas escalating war on terror.Infowar. Cybercombat. Digital security and...
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EBOOK Holy Fire

EBOOK Holy Fire


Autor: Bruce Sterling

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9780307796776
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The 21st century is coming to a close, and the medical industrial complex dominates the world economy. It is a world of synthetic memory drugs, benevolent government surveillance, underground anarchists, and talking canine companions. Power is in the hands of conservative senior citizens who have watched their health and capital investments with...
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