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Star Wars Be More Yoda

Star Wars Be More Yoda


Autor: Blauvelt Christian

Wydawnictwo: DK
ISBN: 9780241351062
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Pursue a more mindful life with words of wisdom from esteemed Star Wars™ mentors Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Luke Skywalker.A balanced mind. Inner calm. A positive influence on the world. A Jedi must embody all of these qualities in order to master the Force. But these same self-enlightenment skills can also help you to master a chaotic life in a...
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Star Wars Be More Vader

Star Wars Be More Vader


Autor: Blauvelt Christian

Wydawnictwo: Dorling Kindersley
ISBN: 9780241351055
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Move from apprentice to master with assertiveness advice from the Star Wars™ galaxy's most powerful leaders, including Darth Vader, Palpatine, and Supreme Leader Snoke.Negotiating the workplace can be an impossible task, especially if that workplace is a towering, all-powerful force intent on taking over the galaxy. Whether your day-to-day work...
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