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EBOOK Professional C# 2008

EBOOK Professional C# 2008


Autor: Bill Evjen

Wydawnictwo: Wrox Press
ISBN: 9781118059463
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Professional C# 2008 starts by reviewing the overall architecture of .NET in Chapter 1 in order to give you the background you need to be able to write managed code. After that the book is divided into a number of sections that cover both the C# language and its application in a variety of areas....
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EBOOK Professional ASP.NET 3.5

EBOOK Professional ASP.NET 3.5


Autor: Bill Evjen

Wydawnictwo: Wrox Press
ISBN: 9781118059319
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In C# and VBIn this book, you’ll be introduced to the features and capabilities of ASP.NET 3.5, as well as the foundation that ASP.NET provides. Updated for the latest release of Visual Studio, this new edition adds five hundred pages of great new content compared to the original 2.0 version of the book. Including both printed and...
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EBOOK Professional ASP.NET 3.5

EBOOK Professional ASP.NET 3.5


Autor: Bill Evjen

Wydawnictwo: Wrox Press
ISBN: 9780470389188
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In C# and VBIn this book, you’ll be introduced to the features and capabilities of ASP.NET 3.5, as well as the foundation that ASP.NET provides. Updated for the latest release of Visual Studio, this new edition adds five hundred pages of great new content compared to the original 2.0 version of the book. Including both printed and...
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EBOOK Professional C# 2008

EBOOK Professional C# 2008


Autor: Bill Evjen

Wydawnictwo: Wrox Press
ISBN: 9780470374566
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Professional C# 2008 starts by reviewing the overall architecture of .NET in Chapter 1 in order to give you the background you need to be able to write managed code. After that the book is divided into a number of sections that cover both the C# language and its application in a variety of areas....
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EBOOK Professional C# 2005 with .NET 3.0

EBOOK Professional C# 2005 with .NET 3.0


Autor: Bill Evjen

Wydawnictwo: Wrox Press
ISBN: 9780470180563
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Preparing readers to program in C#, this authoritative guide provides the necessary background information on how the .NET architecture worksBegins with a tutorial on C# 2005 and the .NET 3.0 Framework, then moves through the vast .NET class library, showing how C# can be used to solve various tasksIncludes coverage of the new .NET 3.0 Framework,...
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EBOOK Professional ASP.NET 4 in C# and VB

EBOOK Professional ASP.NET 4 in C# and VB


Autor: Bill Evjen

Wydawnictwo: Wrox Press
ISBN: 9780470632123
Kategoria: Pozostałe
This book introduces you to the features and capabilities that ASP.NET 4 offers, and explains the foundation that ASP.NET provides. It covers each major new feature included in ASP.NET 4 in detail. Retaining the unique C# and VB dual language coverage, this edition retains many great features from previous versions, including both printed and...
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