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EBOOK Pioneering Theories in Nursing

EBOOK Pioneering Theories in Nursing


Autor: Austyn Snowden

Wydawnictwo: Andrews UK
ISBN: 9781856424813
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Pioneering Theories in Nursing traces the origins of nursing theories through their founders. Unlike other nursing theory texts, this book provides the personal story on some of the greatest nursing leaders, clinicians and theorists to date so the reader can understand the context within which the nursing pioneer developed their theory. It will...
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EBOOK Pioneering Theories in Nursing

EBOOK Pioneering Theories in Nursing


Autor: Austyn Snowden

Wydawnictwo: Andrews UK
ISBN: 9781856424806
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Pioneering Theories in Nursing traces the origins of nursing theories through their founders. Unlike other nursing theory texts, this book provides the personal story on some of the greatest nursing leaders, clinicians and theorists to date so the reader can understand the context within which the nursing pioneer developed their theory. It will...
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EBOOK Acidification Research: Evaluation and Policy Applications

EBOOK Acidification Research: Evaluation and Policy Applications


Autor: Austyn Snowden

Wydawnictwo: Elsevier
ISBN: 9780080875095
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Evaluation and Policy ApplicationsA large number of nationwide research programmes in the field of acidification have been carried out in the last decade. Especially in Western Europe, extensive programmes have resulted in a good overview of all the effects - mostly negative - caused by acidifying substances. There is now consensus that types of...
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