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Z tęsknoty za Judy

Z tęsknoty za Judy


Autor: Anne Cassidy

Wydawnictwo: Stentor
ISBN: 9788361245353
Kategoria: Książki dla dzieci i młodzieży
Pięcioletnia Judy zaginęła osiem lat temu, ale jej starsza siostra Kim wciąż nie potrafi się uwolnić od poczucia winy. Feralnego popołudnia Judy była pod jej opieką. Pewnego dnia, po latach, pojawiają się ślady prowadzące do rozwiązania zagadki zniknięcia dziewczynki. Może to, że Judy żyje, nie jest tylko na nowo obudzoną nadzieją jej rodziców i...
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Gorzkie urodziny

Gorzkie urodziny


Autor: Anne Cassidy

Wydawnictwo: Stentor
ISBN: 9788361245131
Kategoria: Literatura piękna
/ Proza polska, zagraniczna
Pudło zauważył pewien policjant. Stało na samym środku chodnika. Rano, tuż po szóstej policjant zmierzał na posterunek. Dzień wstawał pochmurny, zbierało się na deszcz i ciężkie chmury wisiały nad ziemią. Spojrzał na pudło, zwolnił i cofnął samochód. Dopiero po chwili uświadomił sobie, co widzi... Julia i jej przyjaciółka mają dopiero po 17 lat,...
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Killing Rachel

Killing Rachel

Rose's mother and Joshua's father have disappeared. Police inquiries have gone nowhere and the case, it seems, is closed: Rose and Joshua have been told that the police believe their parents are dead. But Rose and Joshua still hold out hope that they are alive. Joshua is determined to follow up his own inquiries, which includes working out the...
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Dead and Buried

Dead and Buried

It's been five years since Rose's mother Kathy went missing and, after recent events, all Rose wants to do is get on with her life. Which means taking a break from her complicated stepbrother, Joshua. Then police officer Henry Thompson comes calling with bad news: a body has been found buried in the garden of Rose's old house. A body that has lain...
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Murder Notebooks

Murder Notebooks


Autor: Anne Cassidy

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9780802734525
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Killing RachelWhen Rachel, a friend from Rose's past, starts phoning her late at night, begging Rose to return to her old prep school to save her, Rose ignores her pleas until she receives word that Rachel has died. Though the police think it was a suicide-by-drowning, Rose is suspicious, and as she questions those who knew Rachel best, a...
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EBOOK Killing Rachel

EBOOK Killing Rachel


Autor: Anne Cassidy

Wydawnictwo: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781408826546
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Rose's mother and Joshua's father have disappeared. Police inquiries have gone nowhere and the case, it seems, is closed: Rose and Joshua have been told that the police believe their parents are dead. But Rose and Joshua still hold out hope that they are alive. Joshua is determined to follow up his own inquiries, which includes working...
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